"For security reasons NKSC does not disclose its office address. If you would like to visit us, please fill in the form found in the "Work with us > Visit us" section. "


Q : How do you send USBs, CDs, etc. to North Korea? 
A : We send these devices through many different routes. However, for security reasons, we cannot disclose such information. 

Q : How do North Korean people watch the contents stored in the devices?
A : They watch the contents on CD players, Notetels, etc. Lately, the use of smartphones has spread, allowing a greater number of people to watch digital content.

Q: I want to apply for an internship. How can I apply? 
A: You have to apply by filling in the form in the Take Action > Intern/volunteer section. 


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About NKSC

The North Korea Strategy Center is an independent, non-profit, non-partisan organization. We envision a free and open North Korea that upholds the fundamental human rights of all its people in a healthy democracy.


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